Dear Divine28,
I wanted to share with you that my daughter Lillie started her period today and it was a great experience. She felt calm and prepared and her first response was "yay, now I can have the period present you bought me"!! We'll that's 2 for 2 as far as positive period experiences in our home- as a direct result of education and pampering gifts. Thank you!!!
Mary Beth
Hello Divine28,
Thank you so much having all these products available for my mom to purchase. I really love and appreciate using all of them and feel more confident during my period using the Divine28 panties. I really like the Moon Cycle Tea Too!
Sofia (15)
Dear Gina,
I have used the “Reduce Pain Relieving 100% Pure Therapeutic Essential Oil Blend” on the sore red skin from swelling on my legs and ankles (side effect from chemotherapy.)
The short-term pain relief is remarkable. I haven’t had a chance to see how long it lasts, but it has been FAR MORE HELPFUL than any thing else I have tried.
Can you send me some more?
David (72)
Hi Gina,
Thank you for inviting me and the girls to your Divine28 event. We feel honored and privileged to have been apart of it. The sharing time with the Tibetian bowls, your multimedia presentation, the sensory creations, and the drumming circle were all such a different experience for us. Your presentation was excellent, informative, personal, and effective in getting our conversations going on such a transformative time of life. The girls enjoyed it immensely and so did I.